A word from the Chair of Governors
"St Bede's is a truly unique community. Understanding its culture, its ethos, its DNA and being able to Chair the Governors is an undertaking that I feel immensely fortunate to have the opportunity to do. The governing board is a passionate group of individuals, drawn from different walks of life, giving us the breadth of experience necessary to tread the careful line of governing the school; preserving, yet still evolving, challenging and advancing."
Iain Maclean
As governors we ensure that the school is efficiently run in line with its Christian aims, statutory requirements and Ofsted and Department of Education guidelines.
We have three core functions:
- Setting the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school;
- Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school;
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
We guide and monitor the school through three main committees:
- Resources
- Teaching and Learning
- Faith and Life
The minutes of these committees are publicly available on request, click here to contact the school.
For more information, click on the Governors names below to see our roles, responsibilities, business interests, as well as our individual skills and experience.
Governors' fund (donations to school)
Financial information
Please follow the prompts on the Schools financial benchmarking service to view St Bede's financial data and see how it compares with other schools.
School employee earnings disclosure
All local authority maintained schools are required to publish annually on their websites the number of individuals (if any) earning over £100k a year. This information is required to be published in bands of £10k.
As of 01/09/2023 one member of staff at the school earns more than £100k a year.
Governors' information and duties
There are several different categories of Governor:
- Foundation Governors are appointed by the Dioceses, local deanery and Free Church Association;
- Parent Governors are appointed by self-nomination and parents vote where necessary;
- Staff Governors are appointed by self-nomination and staff vote where necessary;
- Local Authority and Co-opted Governors are appointed by the Governing Board.
Please find listed below details for each of our governors; click on their name to find out more. A printable version is available at the bottom of this page (this is currently being updated).
*Ex-officio governors' term of office has no fixed end date.
Mrs Catharine Adjei
Mrs Catharine Adjei
Category: Foundation Governor
Term of office: 01/09/2023 - 31/08/2027
Focus: Safeguarding / Looked after children
Committees: Faith and Life / Teaching and Learning
Skills and experience:
I went to St Bede's school and Sixth Form
I have a BA Hons in Theatre Studies at Hull University
Diploma in Home Based Child Care
I worked as a Childminder in Merstham for 6yrs
This meant I could be with my daughter and son in their early years
I then worked for 7 years at Welcare as an outreach worker and Deputy Manager
I then transferred to St Matthew’s Primary School to work as Child & Family Support Worker and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)
For the last 16 months I have been working as the Welcare Family Centre Manager and DSL in Redhill, which supports families in need/crisis.
Registered interests:
My daughter has just finished her A-levels with St Bede’s and my son is just starting his at St Bede's Sixth form.
Venerable Moira Astin
Ven Moira Astin
Category: Foundation Governor
Term of office: 17/11/2021 - Ex-officio*
Focus: Headteacher appraisal
Committees: Faith and Life
Mrs Hannah Batchelor
Mrs Hannah Batchelor
Category: Staff Governor
Term of office: 01/09/2021 - 31/08/2025
Committees: Teaching and Learning, Admissions
Skills and experience:
- BA (Hons) English Literature; Post Graduate Certificate in Education (Roehampton University)
- Have been teaching for 15 years and have been at St Bede's for the last 6 years
- I teach English and lead Media Studies and English Literature at KS5
- I live in Redhill and my three children attend St Joseph's Catholic Primary School
Registered interests
- Teacher at St Bede's
Mr Andrew Brownless
Mr Andrew Brownless
Category: Foundation Governor
Term of office: 21/11/2020 - 20/11/2024
Focus: Careers, Digital security
Committees: Resources, Teaching and Learning, Admissions
Skills and experience:
- BSc (Manchester University) Computer Science and Mathematics, MSc (Lancaster University) Operational Research
- Chief Information Officer for NHS in West Kent
- Member of the British Computer Society
- I have been a governor at St Bede's since 2012, having been a parent governor, prior to my current term as foundation governor
- I was previously parent and foundation governor for 12 years at St John's Church of England Primary School in Caterham
- All three children have attended St Bede's
Registered interests:
- Healthcare Commissioner, NHS West Kent
- Parent
- Spouse: Croydon Library Carillion
- Trustee and Scout Leader 4th Caterham Scouts
Mr Paul Daley
Paul Daley
Category: Foundation Governor
Term of Office: 8 December 2023 - 7 December 2027
Focus: Human resources
Committees: Resources, Admissions
Skills and experience:
- Former Trustee and Chair of the Growth and Development committee at Greensand Multi Academy Trust
- Former Governor at Wray Common School
- MBA from Henley Business School and Bsc in Business from Aston University
- 20 years as a global business leader in the HR technology, outsourcing and services sector
- Married with two children
Registered interests:
- Director at Oconic Limited
Ms Adele Davies
Ms Adele Davies
Category: Parent
Term: 01/11/2021 - 31/10/2025
Focus: Disadvantaged students
Committees: Resources, Faith and Life, Admissions
Skills and experience:
- HND Business Studies (Bournemouth)
- Foster Carer
- Retired Detective, Metropolitan Police
- Member of the National Association of Therapeutic Parenting,The Trauma Revolution and The Fostering Network
- Two children
Mr Michael Fuller - Vice Chair of Governors
Mr Michael Fuller
Category: Parent Governor
Term: 01/11/2021 - 31/10/2025
Focus: Vice Chair of Governors, Health and Safety, Headteacher appraisal
Committees: Teaching and Learning, Faith and Life, Resources
Skills and experience:
- ACIB – Associate of the Chartered Institute of Bankers
- Retired group company secretary for a national housing association for older people
- Ex Chair of Housing Association Company Secretaries Forum
- Formerly a retail banker for Midland latterly HSBC Bank plc
- Experienced in social housing and charity, mergers, acquisitions, and group restructuring. Also, as a primary school governor since 2009, and then from 2014 as a Director of an Academy Trust I have experience of the academisation process and helping failing schools to improve
- Experienced in dealing with regulators including Financial Services Authority, Charity Commission, Competition and Markets Authority and the Office of Fair Trading
- I attend Woodmansterne Baptist Church
Registered interests:
- Director PACE Academy Trust
Mrs Kate Gordon
Kate Gordon
Category: Local Authority Governor
Term of office: 05/12/2024 - 04/12/2028
- I was born in West Yorkshire and moved to Lincolnshire where I grew up & attended a girls grammar school, I loved learning and had a real passion for History from a very young age.
- I have a degree in History from University of Essex
- I am a secondary school History teacher with more than 20 years experience working in a large comprehensive school in Bromley
- I have two children, my son is a current St Bede's pupil and my daughter is at primary school.
- I am Chair of Governors at St Johns Primary School in Caterham
Mrs Hannah Keohane - Clerk to Governors
Mrs Hannah Keohane
Clerk to Governors
To contact Hannah - please visit our Contact Form and selection Clerk to Governors from the drop down.
Mrs Julia Kinniburgh
Mrs Julia Kinniburgh
Category: Parent
Term of office: 01/11/2021 - 31/10/2025
Committees: Resources
Skills and experience:
- I am a Director General at the Department for Education
- I have been a public servant throughout my career with roles in education, housing, local service delivery, emergency services and customer insight
- I was elected as a parent governor at St Bede’s in 2021
- I was previously a governor and Chair of governors at Holmesdale Infant School
- I have two children at St Bede’s
Registered interests:
- Director General at the Department for Education
Mr Paul L'Estrange
Mr Paul L'Estrange
Category: Foundation
Term of office: 16/10/2021 - 15/10/2025
Committees: Resources
Focus: Governor training and development, Honorary treasurer
Skills and experience:
- BA (Hons) Social Science, Law Society Final Examinations
- Practising solicitor with extensive experience in family and criminal law
- Now largely focusing on representing parents and children in care proceedings and domestic violence cases
- Member of the Law Society Children Panel
- All three children have attended St Bede's with one still in the sixth form
- Attends St Joseph's Church in Redhill
Registered interests:
- McCormacks Law Solicitors
- Spouse: Sixth Form Manager at Oxted School
Mr Iain Maclean - Chair of Governors
Mr Iain Maclean
Category: Foundation Free Church
Term of office: 10/09/2024 - 09/09/2028
Committees: Teaching and Learning, Resources, Faith and Life
Focus: Headteacher appraisal, Chair of Governors, Sixth form
Skills and experience:
- Ex-student of St Bede's leaving the school in 1996
- BA in Geography (Kent Uni)
- 20 years in IT Consultancy running and selling successful businesses
- Now working as a Private Equity Investor in the technology sector
- Married with three young daughters.
- Part of Hillsong, Kent
Registered interests:
- Owner of Peach PE Holdings Ltd
- Owner of Marathon Information Technology Services Ltd
Mr Brendan Nelson
Mr Brendan Nelson
Category: Foundation Governor
Term of Office: 23 October 2023 - 22 October 2027
Committees: Faith and Life
Mr Adam Powell - Headteacher
Mr Adam Powell
Term of office: Ex-officio*
Committees: Resources
Mrs Hermione Puzey
Ms Hermione Puzey
Category: Foundation Free Church
Term of office: 01/09/2024 - 31/08/2028
Committees: Faith and Life; Admissions
Skills and experience:
- MB BS (London) MRCGP
- Pastor of Redhill Christian Fellowship with husband Paul since 2007
- Trustee of SparkFish
- Previously governor of two local schools over the last 20 years
- Lived in Redhill since 1984, 2 of 3 children previously attended St Bede's
- GP until 2000
Registered interests:
- Redhill Christian Fellowship (and spouse)
- SparkFish (trustee)
- Redhill Street Pastors
- Churches Together Redhill and district
- Spouse: Street Pastors (trustee); Churches Together Redhill and district (chair)
Mrs Sara Wright
Mrs Sara Wright
Category: Foundation
Term of office: 01/09/2021 - 31/08/2025
Committees: Teaching and Learning
Focus: Special Education Needs and Disability (SEND)
Skills and experience:
- BA Geography and Post Graduate Certificate of Education
- Eight years experience teaching geography and head of department in mainstream schools in Surrey and Kent
- Formerly Chair of Governors of St Joseph's pre-school
- Currently employed by Surrey County Council as teacher for children excluded from school and outdoor education tutor at Gatton Park
- Three children attended St Bede's
Registered interests:
- Tutor to children missing from education, employed by SCC
- Parent
- Spouse: Community Paediatrician
Mr Liam Dowds
Category: Foundation
Term of office: 03/12/2024 - 02/12/2028