Staff Information

Here is a list of our Senior Leadership Team and Heads of Year. Heads of Department/course Leaders can be found under curriculum staff.

To see the school middle leaders who's who - click here

Senior Leadership Team (SLT) 2024-25



Mr A Powell


Mr A Saunders

Deputy Headteacher (Curriculum) and Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

Mr N Blount

Deputy Headteacher (Pastoral/Head of KS4)

Mr T Ramsbottom

Senior Assistant Headteacher (Teaching and Learning)

Miss T Douglas

Assistant Headteacher (SENDCo)

Mr J Hardy

Assistant Headteacher (Literacy)

Ms S Sharp

Assistant Headteacher (Head of KS3)

Mr J Wood

Assistant Headteacher (Raising Achievement Leader)

Mrs A Woodroofe

Assistant Headteacher (Head of KS5)

Mrs V Lygo-Baker

School Business Manager

Heads of Year

Parents will be aware that we take pride in the caring nature of the St Bede’s ethos. The first port of call for any problem is your child’s tutor, but we have a senior team of staff who oversee the pastoral work of the school. The first three years, key stage 3 (KS3) of the school are overseen by Assistant Headteacher, Ms Sharp, with Miss Kuipers as Head of Year 7, Mrs Mitchell, Head of Year 8 and Mr Curtis, Head of Year 9 in charge of the individual year groups.

Hoy ks3

At key stage 4 (KS4), Deputy Headteacher, Mr Blount is in charge overall, with Mrs Harvey, Head of Year 10 and Mrs Wood, Head of Year 11. 

Hoy ks4

In Years 12 and 13, Head of Sixth Form, Mrs Woodroofe is assisted by Miss Fleming-Wall, Head of Year 12 and Miss Corry, Head of Year 13.

Hoy sixth form

Information about our Sixth Form

Deputy Heads of Year

Year group


Deputy Head of Year 7

Mr B Lofthouse

Deputy Head of Year 8

Mr C Robson-Close

Deputy Head of Year 9

Mr P Edo

Deputy Head of Year 10

Contact Mrs C Harvey

Deputy Head of Year 11

Miss C Stubbs

Curriculum Staff

To email one of your child's teachers, please use their staff code from your child's printed timetable - ?? from your personal email account (that we hold on Talaxy). Students must email staff from their school Google account.

Messages sent home via Talaxy email can also be found in your child's Talaxy account. Please check that your Talaxy emails are not going into your junk/spam.

All parents/carers of current students should register to use Talaxy as this is a significant means of communication between school and home. If you have not already set up your account, use the Contact form to send a registration request to student services.

Information about parents' evenings, pupil reports, attendance and behaviour records are available through Talaxy .

Talaxy can be accessed here or via the link under 'Parents' at the top of this web page. 

Curriculum staff

If you would like to make contact, please put a note in the student's diary or to contact the form tutor, please 'contact the school' (choose 'Main Reception' from the drop-down) outlining who to direct the message to.

Department Head of department (HOD) Department staff


Ms S Petri

Mrs L Borgia, Ms H Button and Mr C Elsmore

Department technician: Mrs K King

Business and Economics

Mr D Wilkinson

Mr W Glover, Mrs S Hudson, Mr R Johnson, Mrs A Malik, Mr T Ramsbottom, Mr A Saunders


Mrs T Moore



Mr N Moore 

Mr D Rochester, Dr M Sacramento, Mx J Salmon


Mrs L Downes

Mrs L Lawrence, Mrs L Perello

Design and Technology 

Ms R Haines Gilbertson (KS3/4)

Mrs R Benjamin-Hoppie, Mrs N Carloss, Mr R Downer, Mrs J Tyrrell-Baldwin

Department technician: Mr C Rainger


Mrs H Batchelor

Mrs S Cooper (maternity cover), Mrs K Cox, Mrs L Cresswell, Mrs E Davis, Mrs S Everall,  Mrs C Harvey, Mrs S Ironside (KS3 Coordinator), Mrs N Isaacson, Mrs C Jackson, Mr J Lawes, Mrs S Lawson, Miss M Luebke, Ms J Price, Miss S Suleman, Mrs A Sweetlove, Miss C Whyte, Mrs H Wright (KS4 Coordinator), Mrs S Yusuf (on maternity leave)

Food and Health

Mrs J Shepherd

Ms V Anderson, Mrs R Benjamin-Hoppie (Course Leader Health & Social Care), Ms R Grey-Graham, Mrs R Horswill

Department technician: Mrs K King


Mr G Collman

Ms F Carr, Miss H Jones, Miss A Maile, Mr P Kerr


Mrs E Crouch

Miss G Chaudhry, Miss J Corry, Miss C Lamy, Mr D Marshall, Ms M Richards, Ms S Sharp, Mr A Turpie (Supply)


Mr C Noakes

Mrs M Boughton, Mrs A Chadwick, Mr R Davies (Supply), Mr P Edo-Okaeben, Mrs N Findlay, Mr A Hussain, Mr R Kreuchen (KS3 Co-Ordinator), Mr A Lacey, Miss E Lush, Mrs A Maazouz, Mrs K Miles, Mr O Plank (KS4 Co-Ordinator), Mrs T Powell, Mrs S Richardson, Ms R Sturt, Mr R Tracey

Modern Foreign Languages (MFL)

Mr D Mason

Mr G Gomez Romero, Ms H Hibberd, Miss A Kuipers, Mrs N Martinez-Wallas (Course Leader of German) Mrs A Ospina Valencia, Ms J Price, Mrs N Wood

Media Studies

Mr J Lawes

Mrs H Batchelor


Mr A Fowles

Mr T Lowe, Miss H Mitchell, Mr J Wood, Mrs A Woodroofe

Photography and Textiles

Mr C Elsmore

Miss V Anderson, Ms H Button, Mrs R Horswill and Mrs S Petri.

Department technician: Mrs K King

Physical Education

Mrs S Saunders

Mr L Adams, Mr N Blount, Mrs S Collins, Mr T Curtis, Mrs M Edy (KS5 Coordinator), Mr B McEvoy, Mr D Mackie (Director of Sport), Mr C Robson-Close


Ms J Fleming-Wall

Ms C Lamy


Mr A Frith


Religious Studies, and Philosophy and Ethics

Mr C Gangemi

Dr D Beadle, Miss M Bidwell, Miss P Dashwood, Ms S Ghumrum (Supply), Mr B Lofthouse, Mrs T Moore, Mrs L Ojikutu, Mrs E Papanastasiou (on maternity leave), Mrs H Persaud, Mrs K Thomas


Mrs D Read

Mr S Brooks, Dr V Dargue, Mrs E Failes, Mrs S Hannah, Mrs S Harwood, Mrs S Jackson, Mrs N Kalam, Miss C Maglio, Mr A Mander, Dr S Menezes, Mr P Rolaston, Miss C Stubbs, Ms K Usher, Ms C Wadsworth (supply) Mrs R Warner, Mrs M Yerrell


Mr D Marshall

Ms J Fleming-Wall


SENDCo - Miss T Douglas


SEND support leads: Mrs G Atkins, Mrs T Gear, Mrs W Longo, Miss R Stevenson, Mrs M Taylor

SEND support administrative assistant: Mrs A Leach


Behaviour and Student Support (BaSS) Team and support staff



BaSS team

Miss A Eland (BaSS Team Manager) 
Mrs S Arthur (Lead Intervention Support Officer)

Mrs B Graham and Mrs P Nicholson (Student Support Officers)

Cover Supervisors

Ms J Biswas, Mr A England, Ms J Maynard, Mrs S Pingali, Mrs J Villarreal Plata and Mrs H Ward

Careers Lead

Mrs G Twigg

Student Services

Mrs V Sanford (Student Services Manager); Mrs P Finnigan and Mrs J Winfield-Reed (front desk); Mrs J Gosling (Medical Records Administrator); Ms Y Polson (Supply - Attendance Officer); Mrs L White (Sixth Form Attendance Officer)

Library staff

Mrs K Hill (Manager),  Mrs I Bressler, Mr A England and Mrs J Shakhov

Communications and Marketing

Mrs C Burden