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Higher Education & Careers
For university application deadlines - see 'Applying for university' section below |
At St Bede's all students are encouraged to look carefully at higher education options and our KS5 careers programme is an essential part of our personal development curriculum, that focuses on preparing students for the next stage of their education, training and employment. We strongly advise university or degree apprenticeships and help explore where these could lead them to in their future career journey. We assist students in a number of ways including:
- Encourage students to assess their own skills and personal qualities.
- Providing information and helping students to complete university and specialist college applications via UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service).
- Provide easy access to information via Unifrog - an online further education search platform.
- Organise a structured programme of careers education.
- Offer guidance through personal interviews and group work.
- Offer guidance with planning and writing a personal statement.
- Arrange a wide programme of meetings and work experience.
- Arrange a Futures Day with talks and workshops on a range of higher educational areas, life and employability skills.
- Arrange a monthly industry influencer talk, where students can engage with professionals from a variety of fields.
- Provide information about university open days, apprenticeship vacancies and other higher education opportunities via the Careers and Higher Education Bulletin.
For more general careers information and useful links - please visit /137/careers-education
For information about booking a careers appointment, please visit https://www.st-bedes.surrey.sch.uk/96/careers-appointments.
Helpful tools for sixth form students
Each student will receive a login and tutorial on Unifrog, which supports students to make informed decisions about university courses and higher apprenticeships.
We also have an independent careers adviser from Innervate available to give students impartial advice and guidance on higher education, careers and where subject choices may lead. All students are encouraged to make an appointment, whereby an action plan will be drafted. To make an appointment, please visit our Careers Appointments.
The Careers and Higher Education Bulletin is shared with sixth form students and parents/carers on a bi-weekly basis, containing opportunities including business related webinars, university offerings, apprenticeship availability and much more.
Applying for university
UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service) is the admissions organisation for higher education in the UK. To keep up to date with the latest information visit www.ucas.com.
Students and parents/carers can use Unifrog to search for suitable courses.
UCAS has an information tool for parents – which you can use for advice, hints and tips to help your child, or someone you care for, through the application process. Parents can also subscribe to a parents newsletter via this link.
It also includes links to student finance information, where you can find out more about fees and any financial support you're eligible for.
What is an apprenticeship?
- Combine on the job training while obtaining a job specific qualification
- Study from intermediate to degree level
- Duration of apprenticeship is between 1 and 6 years.
- You will be paid at least the minimum wage and any educational costs will be paid by your employer.
Click here to view the gov.uk fact sheet on apprenticeships. Apprenticeships – fact sheet
The school receives regular updates from local companies regarding apprenticeships and these are published in the Careers and Higher Education Bulletin bi-weekly. Unifrog is also a good source of information on available degree apprenticeships.
View our Useful Links section for more information on apprenticeships and where to find vacancies.
Futures Day
Futures Day is a dedicated day of workshops relating to higher educational options and how to access and utilise the supporting resources available to help students make decisions about their next steps. It also includes life skills and employability workshops to prepare students for the world of work.
Year 12 work experience
In Year 12, students undertake one week's work experience in the summer term. This is independently arranged but must be authorised by the school and follow the school's process. The work experience week in 2025 will take place 16-20 June.
Work experience provides you with:
- An insight into different industry sectors and careers.
- An opportunity to use and apply skills and knowledge in a professional environment.
- The development of ‘employability skills/soft skills’ –such as communication, working with others and problem solving.
- The tools to build confidence and self-esteem by showing you what you can achieve outside school.
- The opportunity to network, make contacts, enhance your CV with skills and a reference for your UCAS application.
Further information about Year 12 work experience will be sent directly to students and parents. All administration will be processed via the placement tool on the Unifrog platform. Work Experience undertaken without following the official process cannot be approved by St Bede’s.
To view the St Bede's Work Experience Guidelines, please click here.
Year 13 Mock Interviews
In Year 13 mock interviews provide a meaningful learning experience to help students understand appropriate communication, attire, body language and the types of questions they should expect in any interview. This is also timely preparation for any forthcoming university and apprenticeship interviews.
If you have any contacts who would be able to help with mock interviews, please contact careers@st-bedes.surrey.sch.uk.
Provider Access Requests (Baker Clause & Provider Access Legislation)
Provider Access Requests
A provider wishing to request access to St Bede’s to promote careers education should email Mrs Twigg on school.careers@st-bedes.surrey.sch.uk
Any opportunity to broaden our Careers Education programme with information, advice and guidance is welcome. Providers are also encouraged to send a copy of their prospectus, relevant information about courses, apprenticeships or technical job opportunities.
These will then be shared with these students either in the careers library, through the student bulletin or in our weekly sixth form careers and higher education bulletin.
St Bede’s endeavours to ensure that all students are aware of all routes to higher skills and are able to access information on technical options and apprenticeships (In line with the Department of Education, July 2021: “Baker Clause”: supporting students to understand the full range of education and training options, and the Provider Access Legislation, January 2023).
Provider Access will support the St Bede’s policy for Access to other education and training providers to achieve the following:
To develop the knowledge and awareness of our students of all career pathways available to them, including technical qualifications and apprenticeships.
To support young people to be able to learn more about opportunities for education and training outside of school before making crucial choices about their future options.
To reduce the drop out from courses and avoid the risk of students becoming NEET (Young people not in education, employment or training).
Useful university and apprenticeship links
Preparing for interviews
College-Interviews.pdf - How to prepare for your college interviews
Useful careers websites
www.firstcareers.co.uk - Career ideas and inspiring videos
www.speakersforschools.org - Online and in-person work experience opportunities
www.uptree.co - Online and in-person work experience opportunities
www.thestudentroom.co.uk - help and advice on everything from revising to future opportunities
www.successatschool.org - A complete career discovery zone
www.allaboutschoolleavers.co.uk - Helping school leavers with their next steps
www.unifrog.org - The complete destinations platform - all St Bede’s sixth form students to have login access
www.ucas.com - University open day information and downloadable prospectuses
www.unistats.ac.uk - The official website for comparing UK higher education course data
www.thecompleteuniversityguide.co.uk - All round guide
The Guardian University guide - Guardian Newspaper University Guide
The Times Good University Guide - The Times Newspaper University Guide (subscription required)
www.notgoingtouni.co.uk - Search apprenticeship and other options
www.apprenticeships.org.uk - Government apprenticeship website
www.amazingapprenticeships.com - Higher level Apprenticeships
www.allaboutschoolleavers.co.uk -