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Contact Information
Headteacher: Mr A Powell
St Bede's SchoolCarlton Road, Redhill, RH1 2LQTel: 01737 212108
E-mail: info@st-bedes.surrey.sch.uk
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Parents/carers who wish to obtain a paper copy of any information on this website, please write to or email the school at info@st-bedes.surrey.sch.uk, identifying the pages required. There is no charge for this service.
Reception is open from 8.00am to 4.30pm. For lesson timings - please click here.
Please be aware that St Bede’s School's working hours are Monday to Friday 8.00am to 4.30pm during term time only. It is important to note it is unlikely that emails will be read outside of these working hours, however, you should receive a response within 48 hours during term time.
If you have an urgent safeguarding concern that cannot wait until we are back in school you may find it helpful to contact one of the following agencies:
Childrens' Services Emergency Duty Team: 01483 517898 or edt.ssd@surreycc.gov.uk
NSPCC: 0808 800 5000 or help@nspcc.org.uk
Kooth App via Kooth.com
Samaritans: 116 123
If it is an emergency and a young person is at risk of harm please dial 999
Named contacts:
General enquiries - Mrs M Summers-Whelan - 01737 212108 - info@st-bedes.surrey.sch.uk
SENDCo - Miss T Douglas - 01737 212108
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) - Mr A Saunders - 01737 212108
Data Protection Officer (DPO) - GDPR Sentry
Telephone: 0113 804 2035 | Email: info@gdprsentry.com or school.dpo@st-bedes.surrey.sch.uk
Services | Numbers |
Y7-11 Absence Reporting attendance@st-bedes.surrey.sch.uk |
01737 214019 |
Sixth Form Absence Reporting sixthformattendance@st-bedes.surrey.sch.uk |
01737 214042 |
Admissions |
01737 214071 |
Exams Office school.exams@st-bedes.surrey.sch.uk |
01737 214017 |
01737 212108 |
Other Enquiries (including website queries) (info@st-bedes.surrey.sch.uk) |
01737 212108 |
Student Services studentservices@st-bedes.surrey.sch.uk |
01737 214051 |
Student IT (it.student@st-bedes.surrey.sch.uk) |
01737 214015 |
Calls are recorded for training and monitoring purposes, and stored for a period of 1 year.